as a poet...

LeChell is a 3x Womxn of the World Poetry Slam finalist, finishing second in the world in the 2022 competition and a finalist of the inaugural Stonewall International Poetry Slam (2021). She is the author of two full-length poetry collections, “Cause Therapy Ain’t For Black Folks from Qwest Press and the self-published collection Jaywalking. Additionally, she has penned the chapbook “Flat Feet, Diabetes, and A Pretty Smile.” LeChell has been published in Defunkt Magazine and graced stages throughout the nation. Her performances can be found on Write About Now and Button Poetry.


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full length



Jaywalking is a collection of poems, prose, stories, and photos exploring intersectionality through the lens of black women and black queer women. Through this work, Rush reveals how personal history and societal and cultural norms, molded by the constructs of race, gender, and sexuality, shape the lived experiences of black women, contributing to our erasure. Jaywalking is a landing space for the range of black (queer) womanhood, from grief to joy.

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Flat Feet, Diabetes & A Pretty Smile: Poems for My Father is a short interrogation of the lessons, experiences, and impact of a fatherless upbringing.

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full length

'Cause Therapy Ain'T



Written with words that reveal, Honorat shares her journey of love, disappointment, vulnerability, and discovery. Her debut book, Cause Therapy Ain’t For Black Folks, is an exploration of the intimate landscapes of a black woman and her desire to embrace her queerness. Honorat pursues themes of self-discovery and retrospection, creating a safe space for women to rest their souls and focus on their evolution. She shares her vibrant and transcendent journey about love, growth, and healing with lively, lyrical ease. This is Honorat speaking from the heart, honest and oh, so inspiring.

selected publications

Defunkt Magazine, I Would Like To Go To Church More

The Cookout, Gentrification